My willingness kept increasing . I kept achieving .

When I found someone's support , it was achievement .
Once I felt someone's ignorance , it was no doubt achievement .

When I wept  through whole night , it was my pleasure .
Once I kicked someone from my thoughts , it was another pleasure .

Sometime people found a burning liar in me , it was happiness .
Sometimes I spoke truth to loose everything , it was another happiness .

Today , I am sitting all alone , I regret a lot .
It feels good being carried off with emotions ,
But it is hardest to accept a companion .
Emotions can't be left behind, they can't be ignored easily .
Intellectuals can adjust very quickly with each other .
So I tried to do, I tried to be smart as they are,
but, I failed my every effort .

I am hanging with the same idea .
I am still willing to stand .
I still want to achieve the rest .


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